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Version: 0.12

JSON Functions

This page lists all json type related functions in GreptimeDB.


Conversion between JSON and other types.

  • parse_json(string) to parse a JSON string into a JSON value. Illegal JSON strings will return an error.
  • json_to_string(json) to convert a JSON value to a string.
SELECT json_to_string(parse_json('{"a": 1, "b": 2}'));

| json_to_string(parse_json(Utf8("{\"a\": 1, \"b\": 2}"))) |
| {"a":1,"b":2} |


Extracts values with specific types from JSON values through specific paths.

  • json_get_bool(json, path) to extract a boolean value from a JSON value by the path.
  • json_get_int(json, path) to extract an integer value from a JSON value by the path, while boolean values will be converted to integers.
  • json_get_float(json, path) to extract a float value from a JSON value by the path, while integer and boolean values will be converted to floats.
  • json_get_string(json, path) to extract a string value from a JSON value by the path. All valid JSON values will be converted to strings, including null values, objects and arrays.

path is a string that select and extract elements from a json value. The following operators in the path are supported:

$The root element$
@The current element in the filter expression$.event?(@ == 1)
.*Selecting all elements in an Object$.*
.<name>Selecting element that match the name in an Object$.event
:<name>Alias of .<name>$:event
["<name>"]Alias of .<name>$["event"]
[*]Selecting all elements in an Array$[*]
[<pos>, ..]Selecting 0-based n-th elements in an Array$[1, 2]
[last - <pos>, ..]Selecting n-th element before the last element in an Array$[0, last - 1]
[<pos1> to <pos2>, ..]Selecting all elements of a range in an Array$[1 to last - 2]
?(<expr>)Selecting all elements that matched the filter expression$?(@.price < 10)

If the path is invalid, the function will return a NULL value.

SELECT json_get_int(parse_json('{"a": {"c": 3}, "b": 2}'), 'a.c');

| json_get_int(parse_json(Utf8("{"a": {"c": 3}, "b": 2}")),Utf8("a.c")) |
| 3 |


Check the type of a JSON value.

  • json_is_null(json) to check whether a JSON value is a null value.
  • json_is_bool(json) to check whether a JSON value is a boolean value.
  • json_is_int(json) to check whether a JSON value is an integer value.
  • json_is_float(json) to check whether a JSON value is a float value.
  • json_is_string(json) to check whether a JSON value is a string value.
  • json_is_object(json) to check whether a JSON value is an object value.
  • json_is_array(json) to check whether a JSON value is an array value.
SELECT json_is_array(parse_json('[1, 2, 3]'));

| json_is_array(parse_json(Utf8("[1, 2, 3]"))) |
| 1 |

SELECT json_is_object(parse_json('1'));

| json_is_object(parse_json(Utf8("1"))) |
| 0 |
  • json_path_exists(json, path) to check whether a path exists in a JSON value.

If the path is invalid, the function will return an error.

If the path or the JSON value is NULL, the function will return a NULL value.

SELECT json_path_exists(parse_json('{"a": 1, "b": 2}'), 'a');

| json_path_exists(parse_json(Utf8("{"a": 1, "b": 2}")),Utf8("a")) |
| 1 |

SELECT json_path_exists(parse_json('{"a": 1, "b": 2}'), 'c.d');

| json_path_exists(parse_json(Utf8("{"a": 1, "b": 2}")),Utf8("c.d")) |
| 0 |

SELECT json_path_exists(parse_json('{"a": 1, "b": 2}'), NULL);

| json_path_exists(parse_json(Utf8("{"a": 1, "b": 2}")),NULL) |
| NULL |