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Version: 0.12


The PARTITIONS table provides information about partitioned tables.


The output is as follows:

| Column | Type | Key | Null | Default | Semantic Type |
| table_catalog | String | | NO | | FIELD |
| table_schema | String | | NO | | FIELD |
| table_name | String | | NO | | FIELD |
| partition_name | String | | NO | | FIELD |
| subpartition_name | String | | YES | | FIELD |
| partition_ordinal_position | Int64 | | YES | | FIELD |
| subpartition_ordinal_position | Int64 | | YES | | FIELD |
| partition_method | String | | YES | | FIELD |
| subpartition_method | String | | YES | | FIELD |
| partition_expression | String | | YES | | FIELD |
| subpartition_expression | String | | YES | | FIELD |
| partition_description | String | | YES | | FIELD |
| table_rows | Int64 | | YES | | FIELD |
| avg_row_length | Int64 | | YES | | FIELD |
| data_length | Int64 | | YES | | FIELD |
| max_data_length | Int64 | | YES | | FIELD |
| index_length | Int64 | | YES | | FIELD |
| data_free | Int64 | | YES | | FIELD |
| create_time | DateTime | | YES | | FIELD |
| update_time | DateTime | | YES | | FIELD |
| check_time | DateTime | | YES | | FIELD |
| checksum | Int64 | | YES | | FIELD |
| partition_comment | String | | YES | | FIELD |
| nodegroup | String | | YES | | FIELD |
| tablespace_name | String | | YES | | FIELD |
| greptime_partition_id | UInt64 | | YES | | FIELD |
26 rows in set (0.01 sec)

Main columns:

  • table_catalog: The name of the catalog to which the table belongs. This value is always def.
  • table_schema: The name of the schema (database) to which the table belongs.
  • table_name: The name of the table containing the partition(region).
  • partition_name: The name of the partition(region).
  • partition_ordinal_position: All partitions are indexed in the same order as they are defined, with 1 being the number assigned to the first partition.
  • partition_method: This value is always RANGE, GreptimeDB only supports range partitioning.
  • partition_expression: The expression of this partition.
  • create_time: The time that the partition was created.
  • greptime_partition_id: GreptimeDB extended field, it's the Region Id.

For example, create a partitioned table:

CREATE TABLE public.test_p (
a < 10,
a >= 10 AND a < 20,
a >= 20

--- Query the partitions of the table --
SELECT * FROM PARTITIONS WHERE table_schema='public' AND table_name='test_p'\G


*************************** 1. row ***************************
table_catalog: greptime
table_schema: public
table_name: test_p
partition_name: p0
subpartition_name: NULL
partition_ordinal_position: 1
subpartition_ordinal_position: NULL
partition_method: RANGE
subpartition_method: NULL
partition_expression: (a) VALUES LESS THAN (PartitionExpr { lhs: Column("a"), op: Lt, rhs: Value(Int32(10)) })
subpartition_expression: NULL
partition_description: NULL
table_rows: NULL
avg_row_length: NULL
data_length: NULL
max_data_length: NULL
index_length: NULL
data_free: NULL
create_time: 2024-04-01 10:49:49.468000
update_time: NULL
check_time: NULL
checksum: NULL
partition_comment: NULL
nodegroup: NULL
tablespace_name: NULL
greptime_partition_id: 4453881085952
*************************** 2. row ***************************
table_catalog: greptime
table_schema: public
table_name: test_p
partition_name: p1
subpartition_name: NULL
partition_ordinal_position: 2
subpartition_ordinal_position: NULL
partition_method: RANGE
subpartition_method: NULL
partition_expression: (a) VALUES LESS THAN (PartitionExpr { lhs: Column("a"), op: GtEq, rhs: Value(Int32(20)) })
subpartition_expression: NULL
partition_description: NULL
table_rows: NULL
avg_row_length: NULL
data_length: NULL
max_data_length: NULL
index_length: NULL
data_free: NULL
create_time: 2024-04-01 10:49:49.468000
update_time: NULL
check_time: NULL
checksum: NULL
partition_comment: NULL
nodegroup: NULL
tablespace_name: NULL
greptime_partition_id: 4453881085954
*************************** 3. row ***************************
table_catalog: greptime
table_schema: public
table_name: test_p
partition_name: p2
subpartition_name: NULL
partition_ordinal_position: 3
subpartition_ordinal_position: NULL
partition_method: RANGE
subpartition_method: NULL
partition_expression: (a) VALUES LESS THAN (PartitionExpr { lhs: Expr(PartitionExpr { lhs: Column("a"), op: Gt, rhs: Value(Int32(10)) }), op: And, rhs: Expr(PartitionExpr { lhs: Column("a"), op: Lt, rhs: Value(Int32(20)) }) })
subpartition_expression: NULL
partition_description: NULL
table_rows: NULL
avg_row_length: NULL
data_length: NULL
max_data_length: NULL
index_length: NULL
data_free: NULL
create_time: 2024-04-01 10:49:49.468000
update_time: NULL
check_time: NULL
checksum: NULL
partition_comment: NULL
nodegroup: NULL
tablespace_name: NULL
greptime_partition_id: 4453881085953