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Version: 0.12


Vector is a high performance observability data pipeline. It has native support for GreptimeDB metrics data sink. With vector, you can ingest metrics data from various sources, including Prometheus, OpenTelemetry, StatsD and many more. GreptimeDB can be used as a Vector Sink component to receive metrics.

Collect host metrics


A minimal configuration of when using your GreptimeDB instance can be:

# sample.toml

type = "host_metrics"

inputs = ["in"]
type = "greptimedb_metrics"
endpoint = "<host>:4001"
dbname = "<dbname>"
username = "<username>"
password = "<password>"
new_naming = true

GreptimeDB uses gRPC to communicate with Vector, so the default port for the Vector sink is 4001. If you have changed the default gRPC port when starting GreptimeDB with custom configurations, use your own port instead.

Execute Vector with:

vector -c sample.toml

For more configuration options, see Vector GreptimeDB Configuration.

Data Model

The following rules are used when storing Vector metrics into GreptimeDB:

  • Use <metric namespace>_<metric name> as the table name in GreptimeDB, for example, host_cpu_seconds_total;
  • Use the timestamp of the metric as the time index of GreptimeDB, the column name is ts;
  • Use the tags of the metric as GreptimeDB tags;
  • For Vector metrics which have multiple subtypes:
    • For Counter and Gauge metrics, the values are stored in the val column;
    • For Set metrics, the number of data points are stored in the val column;
    • For Distribution metrics, the values of each percentile are stored in the pxx column, where xx is the percentile, and the min/max/avg/sum/count columns are also stored;
    • For AggregatedHistogram metrics, the values of each bucket are stored in the bxx column, where xx is the upper limit of the bucket, and the sum/count columns are also stored;
    • For AggregatedSummary metrics, the values of each percentile are stored in the pxx column, where xx is the percentile, and the sum/count columns are also stored;
    • For Sketch metrics, the values of each percentile are stored in the pxx column, where xx is the percentile, and the min/max/avg/sum columns are also stored;

Collect metrics with InfluxDB line protocol format

Vector can collect metrics in the InfluxDB line protocol format and send them to GreptimeDB. For more information, refer to the Kafka guide.

Collect logs

Vector can also collect logs and send them to GreptimeDB. For more details, refer to the Kafka guide.