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Version: nightly


Grafana Alloy is an observability data pipeline as well as an OpenTelemetry collector distribution. You can integrate your GreptimeCloud instance as data sinks of Alloy.

Prometheus Remote Write

Configure GreptimeDB as remote write target.

// config.alloy

prometheus.remote_write "greptimedb" {
endpoint {
url = "https://<host>/v1/prometheus/write?db=<dbname>"

basic_auth {
username = "<username>"
password = "<password>"


GreptimeDB can also be configured as OpenTelemetry collector.

// config.alloy

otelcol.exporter.otlphttp "greptimedb" {
client {
endpoint = "https://<host>/v1/otlp/"
headers = {
"X-Greptime-DB-Name" = "<dbname>",
auth = otelcol.auth.basic.credentials.handler

otelcol.auth.basic "credentials" {
username = "<username>"
password = "<password>"