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Version: 0.9


Metabase is an open source BI tool that written in Clojure. You can configure GreptimeDB as a metabase data source from a community driver plugin.


Download the driver plugin file greptimedb.metabase-driver.jar from its release page. Copy the jar file to plugins/ of metabase's working directory. It will be discovered by Metabase automatically.

Add GreptimeDB as database

To add GreptimeDB database, select Settings / Admin Settings / Databases, click Add Database button and select GreptimeDB from Database type.

You will be asked to provide host, port, database name and authentication information.

  • Use Greptime's Postgres protocol port 4003 as port. If you changed the defaults, use you own settings.
  • Username and password are optional if you didn't enable authentication.
  • Use public as default Database name. When using GreptimeCloud instance, use the database name from your instance.