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Version: 0.9


This guide provides a walkthrough on how to deploy a GreptimeDB cluster on Kubernetes.


  • Kubernetes >= 1.18


    You can use kind or Minikube to create a local Kubernetes cluster for testing.

  • Helm v3: A package manager for Kubernetes.

  • kubectl: A command-line tool for interacting with Kubernetes clusters.

Add Helm repository

Use the command below to add the GreptimeDB Helm chart repository.

helm repo add greptime
helm repo update

You can find the maintained Helm charts in the GitHub repository.


The deployment on Kubernetes involves the following components:

  • GreptimeDB Operator: Assists engineers in managing GreptimeDB clusters effectively on Kubernetes.
  • GreptimeDB Cluster: The main database cluster.
  • etcd Cluster: etcd is a consistent and highly available key value store used for GreptimeDB cluster metadata storage.

Next Steps

To deploy GreptimeDB on Kubernetes, follow these steps:

  • GreptimeDB Operator: This section guides you on installing the GreptimeDB Operator.
  • Deploy GreptimeDB Cluster: This section provides instructions on how to deploy etcd cluster and GreptimeDB cluster on Kubernetes.
  • Destroy Cluster: This section describes how to uninstall the GreptimeDB Operator and the GreptimeDB cluster.